Our new publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry assessed lipids in the vascularization of fish bones using NMR. A new step toward detecting hidden bone remodeling issues in humans using MRI !

"Long-Chain Fatty Acids in Bones and Their Link to Submicroscopic Vascularization Network: NMR Assignment and Relaxation Studies under Magic Angle Spinning Conditions in Intramuscular Bones of Atlantic Herring Fish"

by Hsin Wang, Steve Falcoz, Jean-Philippe Berteau

By taking advantage of long traverse relaxation times and carrying out J-coupled correlation spectroscopies with magic angle spinning, we conclude that the commonly observed, moderately resolved nonwater proton signals in bones are from long-chain fatty acids. Over decades of research, there have been speculations that they belonged to fatty acids, but the direct evidence has not been laid down. As a result, there has been confusion in the NMR literature. Bone tissues are often associated with bone marrows. By using intramuscular bones from herring fish, we avoided marrow interference and show that the result genuinely belongs to bone tissues.